Take Untake - H1N1

Swine flu has done what few can. It has brought the country together again. As if the nation needs occasions to unite once in a while. The number of incidents that happen across the nation through the year, year in and year out, do manage to somehow aid the sapling of nationalism within us. Those frequent attacks by those clean shaven terrorists and the other tragedies - the list perhaps goes on as we can make it go.

Now, in this season of low rains and dramatic floods, of failing crops and rising prices, much of India is hooked to the scourge of Swine flu. And as there is no definitive way out of this virus, all reassurances by the so called well meaning TV channels seem to compound the threat of this particular disease.

How far the response system be able to counter the menace is there to be seen. At Kabini, where I live - there has been no visible fear of contagion but perhaps the village folks do not watch TV as much or perhaps they are stoic when it comes to crisis in their lives.


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