The Russian Special Operation has added an urgency to the worldwide trade of fossil fuels.

Russia is nearly producing the same amount of fossil fuels as it did a year back or further back and even more, who knows. European countries are reopening coal mines. Virtually everyone is buying everyone’s oil and selling it as someone’s oil. There is no certainty that oil exported by a middle eastern powerhouse was drilled in the desert or in the cold swathes of Siberia. No one knows yet everyone is aware.

To add to that, all our climate pledges are irrelevant. When asked, Uncle was unaware of the worldwide movement for climate change mitigation. His comment was instructive, No country ever signs a treaty unless it knows how to work around it. No one had a comment to offer

In the meanwhile, home after home, expensive and towering, went under and took over the media frenzy. Endless stories of tractors and CEOs and of people swimming in their homes are now commonplace. Everyone criticized everyone and the Sarjapur Road became one community pool. Someone suggested that, after a long time, fish in Bengaluru could travel the length of the city without a pause. The entire country’s attention was gripped by these floods and as good citizens, what did we do. Everyone criticized the government.

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