Nestled in my own heart!
Listen to your own heart.
It is such a romantic poet's dream turn true.
The weather is blowing, in front of me. Howling and raining as hard as it can, probably as hard as it can get.
It looks beautiful. As I write, the intensity of rain is sometimes increasing and often getting high.
Drama unfolds when a hostelmate whisks me outside, a rare occasion when someone convinced me against myself. Usually, I am outside on my own. But this rain is something else, a grand recreation of the magic of nature. Grand, the intensity, the never ending qualls, the everything, overflowing drains, stalled cars, poor old Bajaj scooters and newer new ones, students trying their best not to get wet but doing their utmost in getting drenched, the local nala is about to break all bandhans of censorship,
I just walk around and soak in the rain, as if there really is no tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!