
It is unravelling fast - our world

As you create constructs through your life, be it social, cultural, religious, economic or political, do so wearing an environmentalist's hat

Umpteen conspiracy theories - What if Russia declares war against Israel over Palestine and wins the support of millions of followers

Nature soothes your senses at Galibore

Deja Vu - Finally, Climate Change comes home to India

I guess I will never be able to miss Siddu. He has morphed to being here and there! Maybe, he was always around.

Buddhists have a deep reverence for the Bodhi tree, a type of fig tree with heart-shaped leaves, beneath which the Buddha is said to have meditated for 49 days, trying to reconcile his mind to the fact that there was suffering in the world. On the 49th day, he stood and thanked the tree for providing shade for him, and in that instant he attained enlightenment. Maybe, it is really nothing but the loss of our connection with nature that has turned us into shameless self centered, apocalyptically blind community of instant gratifiers.

Is there a possibility of China relinquishing its claims over Ladakh and Arunachal in the near term

Kindness still exists in the tourism sector

The Octopus teacher - Live fast and die young

I really like Scott Morrison

While most of South Asia is busy over Passoori and the assembly elections in India, a no confidence motion is in play in Pakistan and the war up north is treading on highly slippery terrain. Attentions should revert back to Russia.

Coke Studio - wah

China is turning increasingly aggressive towards the west. Something hitting my guts.....

The silly link between the pandemic and world wars

Everything seems still today

Climate Change narrative gets even more complicated

Death and destitution and coal

6 years of No Siddu

And while we were living our lives, Lata Mangeshkar died. But not dead. A goddess, we will love her like Mother Teresa... Forever!

India in a soup over Russia

Is it me or does it not seem surreal that the next letter after omicron is PI. Where is our lifeboat?

The familiar feeling of another Covid Induced Panic Attack

Suryakumar Yadav looks like Jeetu Bhaiya of Kota factory and Panchayat

Can People’s Biodiversity Register contribute to conservation?

Environment is still not an idea whose time has come

Sights and stories from Karavali Read more at:

The painfully sweet and not so sweet memories that Sherni evokes

It is the real moments that are vibrant

The Pangolin has nowhere to stay safe – Neither really nor virtually

A forest in a city. A city in a forest.

Challenging, growing, fighting, moving up, being aggressive, competing

When East India breathed OXYGEN into India

Being a Caretaker

Believing means liberating the indestructible element in oneself, or, more accurately, liberating oneself, or, more accurately, being indestructible, or, more accurately, being. - Franz Kafka -

Tiger Tales and Others

As the waters that flow swift

In Communion with Nature - Deccan Herald - 04.04.2021