Challenging, growing, fighting, moving up, being aggressive, competing


It takes a lot to keep oneself out of the rut. What is it I wonder, is it challenging oneself or is that just an oxymoron. Challenging oneself invariably leads to constantly creating and adhering to higher standards - will that not lead to higher levels of tension. Yes, of productivity too, but challenging oneself for what end.

Is living life not something that goes beyond doing more and more, more and more efficiently and effectively. Meeting the challenge, but respecting that challenge all the time and not just make it your enemy. Is it then that our childhoods were a sheer waste of time. Why, useless roaming around for hours, not studying properly, cycling for hours and days, especially during the winters, eating stuff that have been made to be eaten. What was the benefit in that. Is it not that by the theory of moving ahead, childhood was a sheer wastage of 3650 days of our life. 

If that is true, then we have already lost a large part of our lives to the inconsequential things in life. Is it true. I read a heartening thing yesterday. Most of the earth is still predominantly wild, unpopulated or where humans are subservient to the elements. This then disposes the theory that man must and probably has dominated everything that had to be dominated

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